Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 6, 2013

Big Bang Theory Plays with a 3D Printer!

Man, "The Big Bang Theory" does all the cool stuff.  I was thrilled that they did a clip with cornstarch on a speaker.. I should have figured something as enticingly geeky as 3D printing did not escape their writers.  I love that show! (Too bad I always forget to watch television.)

Anyway, I was googling to see if there are ny other 3D printing T-shirts besides Printrbot's and landed on the Cafepress design "It worked. We printed a whistle. - The Big Bang Theory Quote."  What?!  More searching revealed this quote came from a clip which originally aired on January 31, 2013 in the episode "The Cooper/Kripke Inversion."  (This 3Ders blog post basically gives you basically a transcript of the whole 3D printer subplot.)

The highlights of Howard's purchase of a used "1200 XT 3D modeler PRO" machine for $5000 include him getting to scan Raj with a Microsoft Kinect to print out his action figure.  Later, he presents Bernadette with a his and hers customized dolls. And although Bernadette loves the dolls, she doesn't quite appreciate the joy of 3D printing... I get it.  That's most people's reactions when they find out I saved my own money to by a Makerbot.  Clearly *I* think it's worth it, Howard!

Want your own action figures of yourself?  Check out Firebox or Action Figure Labs online.  Or if you happen to be in Japan or Chicago, check out OMOTE 3D SHASHIN KAN or The 3D Printer Experience.  Or you can just print your head.  These particular heads are Lego-compatible!

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