We've figured out that these are the steps that most often occur in generating the gcode include: Carve -> Preface -> Inset -> Fill -> Speed -> Raft -> Jitter -> Comb -> Cool -> Dimension -> Alteration -> Export. Here's an example from a (class-favorite) duck from Thingiverse:
[10:59:33] Carve procedure took 8 seconds.
[10:59:34] Preface procedure took 1 second.
[11:00:33] Inset procedure took 14 seconds.
[11:00:33] Fill procedure took 45 seconds.
[11:00:34] Speed procedure took 1 second.
[11:00:36] Raft procedure took 2 seconds.
[11:00:37] Jitter procedure took 1 second.
[11:00:38] Comb procedure took 1 second.
[11:00:42] Cool procedure took 4 seconds.
[11:00:44] Dimension procedure took 2 seconds.
[11:00:44] Alteration procedure took 0 seconds.
(Scroll down for more examples)
It's pretty easy to generate the Gcode. In fact, all we do is click "Generate gcode," check a few parameters (like which extruder, whether we want a raft or support material, and percent fill), and then the program does the rest.
In researching this toolpath, I've read the entire sequence could be: Carve -> Scale -> Bottom -> Preface -> Widen -> Inset -> Fill -> Multiply -> Speed -> Temperature -> Raft -> Skirt -> Chamber -> Tower -> Jitter -> Clip -> Smooth -> Stretch -> Skin -> Comb -> Cool -> Hop -> Wipe -> Oozebane -> Dwindle -> Splodge -> Home -> Lash -> Fillet -> Limit -> Unpause -> Dimension -> Alteration -> Export
All of a sudden, we made a connection! When you "edit slicing profiles" (pictured left) you get the a python popup with a variety of options. These correspond to the "craft" parameters. We usually leave everything at the default settings except, of course, when we want to make multiple ducks. :)
So, what are all these steps? Here is our research so far: (Still in progress... but I think my favorite so far is oozebane!)
- Carve -> Defines characteristics of the printer, such as mesh type and layer thickness. Thin layers improve the resolution of your print, but will significantly increase your print time,
- Scale -> Scales the output
- Bottom -> Controls the height of the lowest layer.
- Preface ->
- Widen -> Widen walls which are less than a double perimeter width wide.
- Inset -> Defines the inset.
- Fill -> Defines how an object should be filled.
- Multiply -> Print many objects at once.
- Speed -> This script is to set the feed rate and flow rate. The resulting thickness of the filament is a combination of feed rate, flow rate, and temperature.
- Temperature ->
- Raft -> A raft provides a few initial layers laid down before the object itself. A raft is optional, but often helps the object stick to the printbed (esp. with ABS)
- Skirt -> This is an outline around the object (or raft) before the initial layer to get things extruding correctly.
- Chamber -> This is to control bed and chamber temperature.
- Tower ->
- Jitter -> Jitters the loop end position to a different place on each layer to prevent the a ridge from from being created on the side of the object. This tool will change where the layer start - for each layer. As result, you won't see vertical lines up the side of your print.
- Clip -> Clip stops extrusions early in order to prevent plastic bumps at the end of a loop.
- Smooth -> Smooths jagged extruder paths.
- Stretch -> "Stretch is very important Skeinforge plugin that allows you to compensate for the fact that holes are smaller then they should be." (?)
- Skin -> Smooth the surface skin.
- Comb -> "Moves the extruder around inside holes to prevent stringers in those holes." (Not that I know what that means at all...)
- Cool -> Cool is about giving each layer a little time to cool off before you put the next layer down on top of it.
- Hop -> Raises the extruder when it is not extruding.
- Wipe ->
- Oozebane -> Control oozing.
- Dwindle ->
- Splodge -> Turn on extruder "a bit earlier". (?)
- Home -> Home the tool at beginning of each layer.
- Lash ->
- Fillet -> Rounding of corners
- Limit -> Sets limit on feed rates.
- Unpause ->
- Dimension -> "5D option for Skeinforge" (Again, not sure what that means.)
- Alteration -> Adds the start and end files.
- Export - >
Thanks to the following blogs for help defining these terms: The 3D Printer, Skeinforge for RepMan, Makerbot's ReplicatorG support page, Skeinforge Craft.
More examples of toolpath generation progress:
iPad stand - large-sized, 20% fill
[23:11:19] Carve procedure took 1 second.
[23:11:20] Preface procedure took 0 seconds.
[23:13:30] Inset procedure took 2 minutes 10 seconds.
[00:00:51] Fill procedure took 47 minutes 21 seconds.
[00:00:59] Speed procedure took 8 seconds.
[00:01:25] Raft procedure took 26 seconds.
[00:01:35] Jitter procedure took 10 seconds.
[00:01:46] Comb procedure took 11 seconds.
[00:02:31] Cool procedure took 44 seconds.
[00:02:49] Dimension procedure took 19 seconds.
[00:02:54] Alteration procedure took 4 seconds.
[00:03:19] The exported file is saved as <snip>
[00:03:19] It took 52 minutes 1 second to export the file.
Boiling Chip - medium-sized, 15% fill
[06:52:21] Carve procedure took 11 minutes 32 seconds.
[07:03:53] Preface procedure took 12 seconds.
[07:12:19] Inset procedure took 8 minutes 27 seconds.
[07:24:14] Fill procedure took 11 minutes 55 seconds.
[07:24:24] Speed procedure took 10 seconds.
[07:29:31] Raft procedure took 5 minutes 7 seconds.
[07:29:51] Jitter procedure took 20 seconds.
[07:31:11] Comb procedure took 1 minute 20 seconds.
[07:32:09] Cool procedure took 58 seconds.
[07:32:44] Dimension procedure took 35 seconds.
[07:32:51] Alteration procedure took 6 seconds.
[07:33:20] The exported file is saved as <snip>
[07:33:20] It took 41 minutes 10 seconds to export the file.
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