Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 11, 2013

MAKE Magazine's Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing 2014 is released! (and we're IN IT?!)

I recently picked up a couple of copies of the long-anticipated Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing 2014.  (You can read the highlights here, but I highly recommend the magazine itself - there is SO MUCH good stuff in there!)

Anyway, during science class one day, a student was flipping through the magazine, when he jumped up and shouted, "We are IN HERE!"  My first reaction was (honestly) "seriously, just calm down" but a split second later it registered - BPC was IN THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO 3D PRINTING?!?!  You can see our picture (from 2011) in the image below - Brook Drumm (in the green and white striped jacket) with all the students crowded around.

It may not be much, but the kids and I feel a little "famous." :)

Here's the original video from when Brook Drumm helped train us on our first 3D printer!  (You can read more about it in this Printrbot post, or this Curriki interview.)

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