Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 4, 2014

Tips for 123D Catch

We "recently" got an iPad air and have started downloading scanning apps. The one I'm using right now is called 123D Catch a free 3D scanning app from Autodesk. You take multiple pictures at many angles and it puts them all together to make a 3D image. The Styrofoam head I scanned turned out to look a bit like a mask. Still, not bad for a 2nd try (the first was of someones head. It failed). 123D Catch uses photogrametry to work which is using triangulation to find the XYZ coordinates of a voxel.

We also tried using a DLSR take 70 pictures of a Jackel and then turn it into a 3-D model using 123D-Catch. We got a pretty good 3-D model(on the right).

The next time we tried, we used a record player to spin a bird and took 70 pictures at 3 angles. We got a perfect 3-D model!

- By Sam and Luka (6th grade)

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