Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 1, 2019

Add HP Printer to Debian (Semi Graphical Way)

HP provides Linux drivers for most of the laser and inkjet printers. If you want to buy a printer to work with Linux operating systems, buy HP printers. HP printer drivers available with Debian and Ubuntu repositories. So no need to download and install the drivers from the other places.
Installation of printer settings (Optional)
Debian XFCE desktop does not provide Printer settings. You can install it by apply following command;

sudo apt install system-config-printer 

Installation of HP driver packages using Synaptic
Synaptic is a package manager of Debian. Open Applications > System > Synaptic

Search for hplip,

Right-click and select the packages hplip, hplip-data, hplip-gui for installation. Other dependencies will download automatically while installation. Click on the Apply button to start the installation.

Check the version of hplip
Open a terminal and apply the following command to check the hlip version.

dpkg -l hplip

If you can see the version number of hplip, it means that the installation success.

Configure the printer
Connect the printer to the computer. Apply following command (without root).

hp-setup -i

Answer the questions. On the way, it asks for root password. Enter it.
After the installation process finished, check the printer added or not. 

Applications > System > Printer Settings
You can find that printer added to the system and printer icon appears. Right click on the printer and set it as the Default printer.

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